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ISO 14001 risks and opportunities management plan

Guest user Created:   Oct 12, 2020 Last commented:   Oct 12, 2020

ISO 14001 risks and opportunities management plan

I'm working for a company specializing in Circuit Board Assembly and we are in the progress of ISO 14001 certification preparation. 
We are concerned a lot about risks and opportunities management plan: What factors we need to focus on, how to detail out respective risks and opportunities. 
Thus, I'm writing to you with the hope of getting more advice. If possible, could you share with me an example of Risks and Opportunites Plan? 

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Step-by-step implementation for smaller companies.


Step-by-step implementation for smaller companies.

Carlos Pereira da Cruz Oct 12, 2020

About risks and opportunities in ISO 14001:2015 I recommend reading Annex A.6.1.1. What does your organization want from the environmental Management System (EMS)?

How is this done? With a set of action plans:

Risks and opportunities are:

What A6.1.1 tell us is:

  • Look into your list of environmental aspects, which can create risks and opportunities. Your significant aspects can generate significant impacts and those can be seen as risks and opportunities
  • Look into your list of compliance obligations, are there risks of failing to comply, or opportunities to be better than compliance obligations?
  • Look into your context and interested parties, which can create risks and opportunities? For example, trends in environmental legislation, trends in neighborhood or client’s sentiment about your organization’s environmental performance.

Determining environmental aspects is determining how an organization interacts with the environment. For example:

Determining risks and opportunities of an organization, according to ISO 14001:2015, is based on its environmental aspects, compliance obligations, and context and interested parties.

For example, concerning environmental aspects we can have:

Since organizations have to consider the lifecycle of its products and services, do not forget to consider risks and opportunities around your products and services during use or final disposal.

For example, concerning compliance obligations, and context and interested parties we can have for example, the above organization can realize that neighbors (an interested party) are pressuring local authorities to not allow its expansion (an external issue) due to non-compliance with wastewater discharging legislation (compliance obligations) translated into river pollution.

Please check risk definition (3.2.10) on ISO 14001:2015 (effect of uncertainty). With environmental aspects and impacts we are considering normal, expected situations, like startup and closing down operations, but also abnormal and emergency situations. Whenever there is uncertainty there is risk or opportunities, there is a potential deviation from the expected.

Please check this information below with more detailed answers:

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Oct 12, 2020

Oct 12, 2020