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General criteria used to determine critical services

Guest user Created:   Oct 28, 2020 Last commented:   Oct 28, 2020

General criteria used to determine critical services

Trabajo para la ***, y ***, compañera de trabajo, me dio su correo. En el 2019, ella adquirió las plantillas de continuidad de negocios de su empresa.

Le escribo a ver si puede ayudarme con una consulta: Según su experiencia, ¿cuál es el criterio general que utilizan las empresas para determinar los servicios críticos, que son la base de la estrategia de continuidad de negocios? 

Por otro lado, si puede compartirnos el listado de cursos que ofrecen sobre el tema de continuidad de negocios.

Agradezco mucho su asistencia.

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Step-by-step implementation for smaller companies.


Step-by-step implementation for smaller companies.

Rhand Leal Oct 28, 2020

I work for the ***, and ***, a co-worker, gave me your email. In 2019, she acquired your company's business continuity templates.
I am writing to see if you can help me with a query: In your experience, what is the general criteria that companies use to determine critical services, which are the basis of the business continuity strategy?
On the other hand, if you can share with us the list of courses you offer on the subject of business continuity.
I greatly appreciate your assistance.

General criteria used to identify critical services are impacting the business considering:

  • financial impact
  • legal impact
  • market impact
  • operational impact

These criteria are used during the business impact analysis to identify which services are critical to the business

Regarding courses, at this moment we do not any available, but these free webinars can help you on the subject of business continuity:

These articles will provide you a further explanation about business continuity:

This material will also help you regarding business continuity:

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Oct 28, 2020

Oct 28, 2020