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Filling templates

Guest user Created:   Jul 27, 2018 Last commented:   Jul 27, 2018

Filling templates

1. Is it possible to have a typical example of a company that has implemented this standard to help us do it within our company? There is no example in the toolkit which does not facilitate understanding.
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Step-by-step implementation for smaller companies.


Step-by-step implementation for smaller companies.

Rhand Leal Jul 27, 2018

Answer: Included with your toolkit you have access to video tutorials that will help you filling the most critical documents, with real data examples.

If after the tutorials you still think you need more help, you can schedule a meeting with one of our experts, so he can help you solve your issues. To schedule a meeting, please access this link:

2. Is it possible to have the document "ISO / IEC 27001 standard" with all the measures to be respected?

In the documents to be completed from the toolkit, it is very often mentioned standard ISO / IEC 27001 clause xxx as above:

This document is not present in the toolkit that we have purchased and it seems essential to understand and be able to better complete the documents.

Answer: ISO 27001 standard is an intellectual property of ISO, and we do not have the license to sell it.

You can buy this standard at this link:

3. In the file related to the ISMS area of application, there is a table to be completed "applicability of measures".

3.1. Do we have to complete the "Justification" column even when the measure is selected?

Answer: I'm assuming this document you are referring to is the Statement of Applicability. Considering that, you have to complete the justification for when a control is selected.

3.2. Do we have to complete the column "Objectives of the measures"?

Answer: Although objectives of the measures are not mandatory to be in the SoA, we recommend you to use this column for all controls identified as applicable, because ISO 27001 required the documentation of objectives for controls or groups of controls, and this way you will have one less document to handle.

3.3 If so, can you provide us with a typical example to complete this table?

Answer: Included with your toolkit you have the access to a video tutorial that will help you fill the Statement of Applicability, with real data examples.

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Jul 27, 2018

Jul 27, 2018

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Filling templates