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Combination of ISMS and BCMS

Guest user Created:   Dec 19, 2019 Last commented:   Dec 19, 2019

Combination of ISMS and BCMS

Right now I'm working on my master's degree in XYZ and my master's thesis is about the simultaneous implementation of an ISMS and BCMS in an organization. I'm working especially about synergies of both Management-systems.
So I would like to know, what is your opinion about the simultaneous implementation of both systems? Is there a possibility to reduce resources? Or are both systems different to handle?

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Step-by-step implementation for smaller companies.


Step-by-step implementation for smaller companies.

Rhand Leal Dec 19, 2019

Considering ISO 27001 and ISO 22301, which have a lot of requirements in common, it is perfectly possible to go for the simultaneous implementation of the ISMS and BCMA. In fact, this can bring many benefits, like decreased costs in implementation and internal audits, but first, you have to consider the organization's situation in terms of available resources, knowledge, and personnel.

This article will provide you further explanation about integrated implementation:
- How to implement integrated management systems

This material will provide further information:
- Free webinar – ISO 27001 & ISO 22301: Why is it better to implement them together?

Regarding step by step guidelines to implement both systems, in a general manner, you have these steps:
- Obtain management support
- Develop a project plan
- Define scope (related to each standard)
- Define top-level policies (related to each standard)
- Define basic management system procedures (common to both standard)
- Develop specific policies and procedures (related to each standard)
- Implement policies and procedures and train personnel
- Perform internal audit
- Perform management review
- Proceed with corrective actions

The following articles will provide you explanation of the steps to implement both standards:
- ISO 27001 implementation checklist
- 17 steps for implementing ISO 22301

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Dec 19, 2019

Dec 19, 2019