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Research on environmental aspects and risks

Guest user Created:   Nov 09, 2018 Last commented:   Nov 09, 2018

Research on environmental aspects and risks

Hi, I am a PhD researcher and part of my research is to provide a proof of concept about feasibility of measuring environmental impact of activities for housekeeping process. Activities such as spraying the bathrooms, changing linen, changing amenities, removing waste, washing bathroom and etc. If measuring the impact (energy and water consumption, CO2 emission and Waste generation) for activities wouldn't be possible then I will need to estimate environmental risk of these and an overall risk assessment of the whole housekeeping process. I understand that ISO has a method and would like to be able to use it rather than inventing a wheel! Many thanks for any advise.
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Everything you need to perform the internal audit for the first time.

Iciar Nov 09, 2018


ISO 14001 doesn´t provide the organizations with a tool to conduct a risk analysis neither to use defined criteria for the evaluation of environmental aspects and impacts.

Basically, ISO 14001:2015 states that an organization must understand and identify those environmental aspects that have or can have a significant impact on the environment, known as significant environmental aspects. When establishing criteria for determining the significance of the environmental aspects, the organization needs to consider several factors:
- condition of the environment
- compliance regulations and needs and
- needs and expectations of interested parties.

Identification of significant environmental aspects will be necessary to determine where the controls or improvements are needed.

In regards to the risks, the standard suggests that the risks and opportunities should be considered in terms of the following elements:
- The relevant compliance obligations
- The environmental aspects
- The stakeholders and interested parties

ISO 31000 is an ISO standard designed specifically to deal with risk management. Although, the simplest way to perform a risk analysis is conducting a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) analysis in order to help you to find those risks.

For example, Advisera has developed a procedure to determine the environmental aspects and risks using criteria based on the ISO 14001 requirements. You can see a free preview here - Procedure for identificaion and evaluation of environmental aspects:

These materials can help you to better understand environmental aspects and risks in ISO 14001:2015:
- ISO 14001:2015 - How to set criteria for environmental aspects evaluation:
- Risk management in ISO 14001:2015: what, why and how:
- Risks and opportunities in ISO 14001:2015: what they are and why they are important:
- Free online ISO 14001:2015 Foundations Course:
- Book - The ISO 14001:2015 companion:

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Nov 09, 2018

Nov 09, 2018