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FAI requirements in AS9100 Rev D

Guest user Created:   Nov 15, 2018 Last commented:   Nov 15, 2018

FAI requirements in AS9100 Rev D

AS9100 requirement for FAI, are reference dimensions required on the FAI?
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Mark Hammar Nov 15, 2018

The requirements in AS9100 Rev D around first article inspection are found in clause “Production process verification” which requires you to verify that production processes meet requirements, and use a representative item from the first production run of a new part to verify that everything involved produces a part that meets standards. It then notes that this activity can be referred to as FAI. This includes no requirements for what needs to be in a report for this activity.
The AS9100 Rev D standard also give reference to AS9102 in annex C which is a standard for first article inspection. This standard does include how to do this including reference dimensions, but unless this is a requirement of the customer it is not something that is needed per AS9100. What is included in the FAI report comes down to what customer requirements have been placed on you.
One other thing that may help you is this whitepaper titled “Clause-by-clause explanation of AS9100 Rev D”,

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Nov 15, 2018

Nov 15, 2018

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