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Controls from Annex A

Guest user Created:   Oct 23, 2019 Last commented:   Oct 23, 2019

Controls from Annex A

 Referente al paquete de documentación que adquirimos con ustedes, leí que se puede tener asesoramiento vía email, le comento que ya empezamos a trabajar con la documentación de ISO 27001, pero nos surgen muchas dudas respecto a la lista de controles del anexo A, respecto a eso tengo un par de preguntas:

    ¿Existe documentación por parte de Advisera especifica que englobe los controles del Anexo A?
    ¿Es necesario un documento especifico para cada uno de los 114 controles?

(Regarding the documentation package that we acquired with you, I read that you can have advice via email, I comment that we have already started working with the ISO 27001 documentation, but we have many doubts regarding the list of controls in Annex A, regarding I have a couple of questions:

1 - Is there a documentation by specific Advisera that encompasses the controls in Annex A?

2 - Is a specific document necessary for each of the 114 controls?)

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Rhand Leal Oct 23, 2019

1 - Is there a documentation by specific Advisera that encompasses the controls in Annex A?

Answer: In your toolkit the documents which cover controls from Annex A are located on Folder 08 Annex A Aecurity controls. To know which document covers which control, please see the List of documents file included in your toolkit.

Additionally, at Advisera site you have access to several articles and free downloadable materials covering controls from ISO 27001 Annex A (without more details about your needs we cannot point specific material, but feel free to send additional emails with specific doubts).

2 - Is a specific document necessary for each of the 114 controls?

Answer: ISO 27001 does not require you to document each and every control - in the List of documents that you received together with your toolkit you will see which documents are mandatory, and which are not.

In the toolkit you bought you have not only documents covering the mandatory requirements of the standard, but also documents covering the most common controls and practices adopted.

These articles will provide you further explanation about mandatory documents and controls from Annex A:

- List of mandatory documents required by ISO 27001 (2013 revision)
- Overview of ISO 27001:2013 Annex A
- How to structure the documents for ISO 27001 Annex A controls
- The basic logic of ISO 27001: How does information security work?
- Where to start from with ISO 27001

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Oct 23, 2019

Oct 23, 2019