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Customer specific requirement on Supplier Quality Assurance Manual

Guest user Created:   Mar 05, 2020 Last commented:   Mar 17, 2020

Customer specific requirement on Supplier Quality Assurance Manual

Now, I get difficulties to find out what customer-specific requirement on Supplier Quality Assurance Manual besides Document or record retention and Symbol are given on Customer Drawing? Please help me with this by giving me a list of items on SQAM which need to be considered as CSR.
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Fırat İnceli Mar 17, 2020

SQAM is a TOYOTA customer specific requirement and there are different sections in SQAM. Normally you can dowlload from Toyota Portal if you supply to Toyota and have a portal access. SQAM has total of 33 sections and can only be download from the Toyota portal.

  • The critical edefinition symbols defined with ''S'' (safery) ; ''R'' (regulation) ; ''E'' (emission) ; Major function absence of loss of vehicle function. ''A'' rank is a significant appearance defect or another vehicle (not affecting vehicle performance).''B'' rank is other appearance concerns and ''C'' rank is not affected, however, it is part of the specification and an early warning to prevent defect.                                                                                                                                                                                               

    All these symbols are from SQAM book,section 11 Quality Problem Reporting and Section 33 Supplier Quality Assurance Manual of Toyota customer requirements.

  • For record retention general requirement from PPAP book of AIAG rev 4th (Not SQAM) is defined that the organization shall ensure that product realization documents (PPAP) shall be maintainec for lenght of time that the part is active plus one calendar year. This meand in the automotive industry; the project are general for 5 years and 10 years service period. Active lifetime +1 year meand minimum neede to keep related records in 16 years. However, some customers requires that the keeping period is 20 or 25 years. 
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    Mar 05, 2020

    Mar 17, 2020