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Air Traffic Control Technology

Guest user Created:   Aug 24, 2022 Last commented:   Aug 25, 2022

Air Traffic Control Technology

"I was exploring ISO 9001 and I noted a reference to aerospace additions in AS9100. 

Our Company is ISO9001 certified, but we have interest in the procurement of Air Traffic Control Technology.

The only question at the moment as we specify ISO 9001 for suppliers should we also reference AS9100?"


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Mark Hammar Aug 25, 2022

It is correct that AS9100 Rev D includes all of ISO 9001:2015, with additional requirements for aerospace organizations. What this means is that if a company is certified to AS9100, they are also certified to ISO 9001 in the same certification because they meet all requirements. In fact, most certification bodies I have seen will list both standards on the certificate.

As to the question if you should include AS9100 as a supplier requirement, this is completely determined by what you need to meet your customer and legal requirements. If you do not have a requirement from them to use only AS9100 certified suppliers for your Air Traffic Control products I would hesitate to make this a requirement of your suppliers as some of them may not comply with AS9100. If you wanted to include certification to ISO 9001 or AS9100 to make it clear that either is acceptable, this would be my recommended approach.

You can learn a bit more about the differences in the standards in the article:

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Aug 24, 2022

Aug 25, 2022