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Antivirus and MacBook Pro

Guest user Created:   May 01, 2023 Last commented:   May 01, 2023

Antivirus and MacBook Pro

We are hoping to have antivirus software installed on every Macbook and iOS device to have the Jamf or Miradore platform because our company exclusively works with IOS applications. The problem is that we are unsure if that complies with ISO 27001, so I needed your help in this situation. 

Jamf is primarily focused on managing and securing Apple devices such as Macs, iPhones, and iPads. It provides a range of tools for device management, including inventory management, software distribution, patch management, and security controls. Jamf can help organizations implement some of the controls required for ISO 27001 compliance, such as ensuring that devices are properly configured and that security updates are applied in a timely manner. However, it does not provide comprehensive support for all aspects of ISO 27001 compliance. 

Miradore, on the other hand, is a more general endpoint management platform that can be used to manage a wide range of devices, including those running Windows, macOS, and Linux. It provides a range of tools for device management, including inventory management, software distribution, patch management, and security controls. Miradore can help organizations implement some of the controls required for ISO 27001 compliance, such as ensuring that devices are properly configured and that security updates are applied in a timely manner. However, like Jamf, it does not provide comprehensive support for all aspects of ISO 27001 compliance. 

In summary, while both Jamf and Miradore can be useful tools for managing and securing endpoints, they are not designed specifically for ISO 27001 compliance.

So could you please help us with this?

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Step-by-step implementation for smaller companies.


Step-by-step implementation for smaller companies.

Rhand Leal May 01, 2023

First is important to note that ISO 27001 does not prescribe technical details for the implementation of Annex A controls.

Second, in terms of controls, compliance with ISO 27001 will depend on the results of the risk assessment (i.e., depending on the results, some controls may not be applicable).

Considering that, a suggested approach to support decision-making is to consider which platform treats more relevant risks you have identified in your risk treatment.

For further information, see:

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May 01, 2023

May 01, 2023

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