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Appendix 3 – Internal Audit Checklist for ISO 27001

Guest user Created:   Jan 21, 2020 Last commented:   Jan 22, 2020

Appendix 3 – Internal Audit Checklist for ISO 27001

I’ve just bought your Internal Audit Checklist for ISO 27001. The zip file contains 3 similar documents:

  • Integrated: Appendix 3 – Internal Audit Checklist for ISO 27001
  • Premium: Appendix 3 – Internal Audit Checklist for ISO 27001 and ISO 22301
  • Cloud: Internal audit checklist for compliance with ISO 27001 (main clauses and Annex A), ISO 27017 (main clauses), and ISO 27018 (main clauses)

I’m implementing ISO 27001 so I’m assuming the ‘Integrated’ version is the one I need to use when auditing that the SoA controls implanted are effective? If you could just clarify what each one can be used for, especially the cloud version, this would be great.

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Dejan Kosutic Jan 22, 2020

I'm sorry about this confusion - yes, you should go with the "Integrated" version, this one is optimized if you go only for ISO 27001 implementation. 

"Premium" is optimized if you go for both ISO 27001 and ISO 22301 standards, while "Cloud" is if you go for ISO 27001, ISO 27017 and ISO 27018 standards. 

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Jan 21, 2020

Jan 21, 2020

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