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Are there any things in ISO 9001 not covered by ISO 17025?

Guest user Created:   Feb 10, 2022 Last commented:   Feb 11, 2022

Are there any things in ISO 9001 not covered by ISO 17025?

Hi, I am looking at ISO 9001. We are currently 17025 but due to spiraling costs have decided to lose the accreditation and apply for 9001. All will remain the same as to working under 17025 but we will no longer carry the badge.  I am trying to source the information for changing to iso 9001 as we are giving up our UKAS accreditation 17025. Are there any things in 9001 not covered by 17025?
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Step-by-step implementation for smaller companies.

Tracey Evans Feb 11, 2022

Although ISO 9001 requirements are very integrated into ISO 17025, as the approach and purpose are different (being  customer focussed),  you need to assess whether your compliance for certain ISO 9001 requirements is adequate. If your laboratory went straight to ISO 17025 accreditation, i.e Option A (not preceded with ISO 9001 certification) there may be gaps that exist. Depending on the extent a laboratory develops its QMS beyond the minimum requirements of ISO 17025, the level of ISO 9001 compliance differ. I suggest you do a gap analysis of your current QMS to the specific requirements of ISO 9001.

Look at the article ISO 17025 vs. ISO 9001 – Similarities and differences at

Also have a look at the Advisera 9001 academy resources at, which includes resources to assist, such as whitepaper Clause-by-clause explanation of ISO 9001:2015 and the ISO 9001:2015 Gap Analysis Tool.

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Feb 10, 2022

Feb 11, 2022

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