AS9100 vs AS9110 requirements
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AS9110 is the Quality Management System Requirements for Aviation Maintenance Organizations, and as such has requirements based on ISO 9001:2015 for aircraft maintenance and overhaul companies only. So, unless the company you are talking to does exclusively aircraft component maintenance and overhaul (such as aircraft motors), then the AS9110 standard would not apply to their business. Even AS9120, Quality Management System Requirements for Aviation, Space and Defense Distributors only has a limited use for companies that only buy parts and then resell them while performing no added value activities. Whereas, AS9100 is designed for any organization in the Aviation, Space and Defense industry which would include companies that, although not OEMs, take other parts and perform value added activities on them for their customers.
For more on what is contained in AS9100 see our clause-by-clause explanation of AS9100 Rev D whitepaper:
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Nov 08, 2018