Calibration Requirements
I'd like to know if calibration service providers are required by the ISO 17025 standard to provide clients with a calibration recall list for the calibrated measuring equipment.
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As ISO 17025 applies to accredited calibration laboratories, they need to meet all the relevant requirements of the standard, other than only applicable for testing laboratories.
I am not sure I understand fully your reference to a “calibration recall list”. There is no defined recall list as may apply to regulated products released to end users.
Firstly the calibration laboratory must ensure the validity of the service to a testing laboratory before they accept the work. Before calibrating any testing laboratory equipment, a calibration laboratory needs to ensure that all their equipment used in that calibration meets the requirements of ISO 17025, as well as your performance specification as a customer. This includes metrological traceability to international units for all equipment used. They must make their Calibration and Measurement Capability (CMC) known, upfront. This means that following a documented process, they can express the capability of calibration and measurement to be performed for you, through a statement of uncertainty.
If however, the laboratory discovers non-conforming work that was released by them, the process to address this is the same as for testing laboratories. They need to base decisions on risk, evaluate and make a decision about the significance of the deviation, and make a decision regarding action to be taken. The ISO 17025 requirement is that the customer will be informed. If necessary, work must be recalled.
The following may be useful to you:
- The ISO 17025 toolkit procedure Calibration of measurement equipment
- What does ISO 17025:2017 require for laboratory measurement equipment and related procedures?
- What is ISO 17025? at
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Aug 12, 2020