Aug 22, 2017
Can you figure out interfaces and dependencies??
Can you figure out interfaces and dependencies Sir,
Can you please put some light on these two scenarios:
1. I've created a webpage, which is hosted on servers of organisation A. Webpage is just a GUI, at the backend, we're utilising the services of SAINT... basically, our organisation provides customers a GUI and paying SAINT for the services going on the back of our webpage.
Can you please point out any interfaces and dependencies involved here?
2. We're using a product called Alienvault, for the SOC analysis. In our organisation we have terminals for analysis ( traffic, vulnerabilities in system etc) . At our customers end we have installed Alienvault software at some nodes. All the logs resides on the servers of Alienvault.
Can you please help me figure out the interfaces and dependencies in both the scenarios above????
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Aug 22, 2017
Aug 22, 2017
Aug 22, 2017