Cryptography controls
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A.18.1.5 Regulation of cryptographic controls
Cryptographic controls shall be used in compliance with all relevant agreements, legislation and regulations.
[List of Legal, Regulatory, Contractual and Other Requirements], [Policy on the Use of Cryptographic Controls]
What is meant by Cryptographic controls?
Answer: These cryptographic controls refer to the solutions adopted to protect confidentiality (e.g., encryption of information stored or transmitted), integrity/authenticity (e.g., digital signatures and message authentication codes to verify the authenticity or integrity of information), and provide non-repudiation or authentication. This control is closely related to controls from section A.10.1 - Cryptographic controls
This article will provide you further explanation about cryptography:
- How to use the cryptography according to ISO 27001 control A.10
This material will also help you regarding cryptography:
- ISO 27001 Annex A Controls in Plain English
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Dec 06, 2017