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Definition of security roles and responsibilities

Guest user Created:   Sep 30, 2017 Last commented:   Sep 30, 2017

Definition of security roles and responsibilities

Ok, so there is a mandatory document if applicable, which is called the definition of security roles and responsibilities (clause A.7.1.2 and A.13.2.4). However, I cannot find it in the toolkit. Is it under a different name? cause I just looked through the documents in conformio and didn't see it
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Rhand Leal Sep 30, 2017

Answer: ISO 27001 does not require to write a separate document for roles and responsibilities, that's why there is no specific template in the toolkit defining roles and responsibilities

Besides the general roles and responsibilities defined in the Information Security Policy template, all other detailed responsibilities are defined in each template every time an specific activity is required to be performed. Every time you find the field "[job title]" in a template this means that you have to define who has the responsibility to perform the activity described in the sentence. For example, in the sentence:

"[job title] must document the following in the Statement of Applicability: ...", you have to define which role in your organization has the r esponsibility to fill the Statement of Applicability.

This article will provide you further explanation about roles and responsibilities:
- How to document roles and responsibilities according to ISO 27001

By the way, with the toolkit you bought you also have the access to video tutorial that can help you fill your documentation. You can find these tutorials in Conformio, it the menu "Repository", in folder "Video tutorials" - see what you need to click here:

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Sep 30, 2017

Sep 30, 2017