Difference between technical and control of records of ISO 17025:2017
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To help answer your question let’s consider that any laboratory record, whether hand written or electronic, is in one of two groups - technical or non-technical. Non-technical records are for example, administrative forms and quality management records such as customer feedback and internal audit records. Technical records contain any information or data that could affect results, i.e. any parameter related directly to the analytical value or which may be needed to troubleshoot or repeat the laboratory activity. It makes sense then that examples of technical records are easily understood to be, for example Calibrations, personnel names with time and date of activity, test sample condition, instrumentation and raw data.
“Control of Records” in clause 8.4 applies to all records (technical an non-technical) where they need to be identifiable, legible, and access controlled for data protection and confidentiality purposes. Retention controls are required.
“Technical Records (clause 7.5) applies only to technical records as additional requirements.
For more information regarding Records, see the ISO 17025 toolkit document template: Document and Record Control Procedure at https://advisera.com/17025academy/documentation/document-and-record-control-procedure/ as well as Control of data and information management, see the ISO 17025 toolkit document template: Quality Assurance Procedure at https://advisera.com/17025academy/documentation/quality-assurance-procedure/
You said: Technical records contain any information or data that could affect results,Can you tell me if a report (iso 01725, 7.8) is a technical or non technical record? Especially because I don't think that a report can affect results (sureley it contains results, but can it affect it?) Our report's only contain data from raw data sources.
You said: Technical records contain any information or data that could affect results,Can you tell me if a report (iso 01725, 7.8) is a technical or non technical record? Especially because I don't think that a report can affect results (sureley it contains results, but can it affect it?) Our report's only contain data from raw data sources.
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Nov 22, 2024