Difficulties in implementing ISO 14001
What are the difficulties to implement the standard?
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Let us consider two main barriers to implement the standard: a technical barrier and an organizational barrier.
Technical barriers are less frequent and derive from what is needed to close gaps in terms of compliance obligations and significant environmental aspects. Typical issues are lack of technical expertise, high capital costs, and sunk costs associated with the current operations.
Organizational barriers are more frequent and include things like lack of top management leadership and commitment, lack of communication, and people attitude.
You can find more information below:
- Disadvantages of ISO 14001, and how to overcome them - https://advisera.com/14001academy/blog/2019/09/23/iso-14001-disadvantages-in-depth-analysis-and-solutions/
- List of ISO 14001 implementation steps - https://advisera.com/14001academy/blog/2019/08/27/key-iso-14001-benefits-to-customers/nowledgebase/list-of-iso-14001-implementation-steps/
- Enroll for free in this course – ISO 14001:2015 Foundations Course - https://advisera.com/training/iso-14001-internal-auditor-course/
- Book – The ISO 14001:2015 Companion - https://advisera.com/books/the-iso-14001-2015-companion/
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Feb 11, 2021