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Documenting clauses 4.1 and 4.2

Guest user Created:   Jul 13, 2020 Last commented:   Jul 13, 2020

Documenting clauses 4.1 and 4.2

Which, at least examples of documented evidence (due of their mandatories’), company need present for: 4.1 External and internal issues and 4.2 Interested parties 

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Carlos Pereira da Cruz Jul 13, 2020

According to ISO 9001:2015 it is not mandatory to keep documented evidence of how an organization has considered clauses 4.1 and 4.2. However, most organizations decide, and I recommend it too, to document their external and internal issues and interested parties. Normally, this can be documented with the minutes of a meeting where the topic was addressed, and the conclusions and decisions are recorded. Where there is no documented evidence, I try to use corroboration as a technique during my audits. Asking several people, at different levels in the organization hierarchy and in different places, at different times, the same question and compare their responses.

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Jul 13, 2020

Jul 13, 2020

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