Documents monitoring KPIs regarding applicable controls
Our auditor is asking for document submission. I'm not sure what they are looking for. Does Conformio (or the template package we purchased) have anything to cover this request: "Performance metric documents (e.g., KPI reports) showing performance tracking over applicable controls and objectives within the environment (S1)(A2)
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In Conformio, performance indicators can be found in the “Reporting Dashboard” link, accessible through the left-side panel on the main screen. The bottom section of the dashboard is “ISO 27001 Performance Dashboard”, and through the button “View more stats”, you can find details about the Fulfillment of objectives. A report with the objectives is exported automatically when you fulfill the tasks “Enter the measurement related to the objective… ”. The pdf file that will be available in the “Documents” >> “ISO 27001” >> “Lists Reports Statements and Plans” link, accessible through the left-side panel on the main screen.
In our ISO 27001 toolkits, performance indicators can be recorded in the Measurement report, which can be found in folder 12 Management review.
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Feb 15, 2023