Environmental objectives when working from home
What are the best environmental objectives for a software development company in COVID times, with everybody working from home?
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When thinking about environmental objectives I recommend two elements to frame them:
- The environmental policy (that sets priorities)
- The updated and classified list of environmental aspects and impacts
So, during COVID times, was the list of environmental aspects and impacts updated? And the classification also? Perhaps some significant aspects from the past are not so significant for the time being, and vice versa. Do any significant environmental aspects relate to supporting the work from home? I will not consider what happens inside each employee’s house to avoid intrusion or harassment charges. For example, considering the life cycle, is an environmental aspect emerging as relevant? How environmentally friendly are your internet suppliers, or your web storage suppliers?
First, chose the environmental aspects. Without that, it is artificial trying to come up with relevant environmental objectives.
Please check this information below with more detailed answers:
- Environmental aspect identification and classification - https://advisera.com/14001academy/blog/2019/08/27/key-iso-14001-benefits-to-customers/nowledgebase/environmental-aspect-identification-and-classification/
- Catalogue of environmental aspects - https://advisera.com/14001academy/blog/2019/08/27/key-iso-14001-benefits-to-customers/nowledgebase/catalogue-of-environmental-aspects/
- Free webinar - ISO 14001: Identification and evaluation of environmental aspects - https://advisera.com/14001academy/webinar/iso-14001-identification-and-evaluation-of-environmental-aspects-free-webinar-on-demand/
- ISO 14001 document template: Procedure for Identification and Evaluation of Environmental Aspects and Risks - https://advisera.com/14001academy/documentation/procedure-for-identification-and-evaluation-of-environmental-aspects/
- Enroll for free in this course – ISO 14001:2015 Lead Auditor Course - https://advisera.com/training/iso-14001-lead-auditor-course/
- Book – The ISO 14001:2015 Companion - https://advisera.com/books/the-iso-14001-2015-companion/
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Feb 16, 2021