may i ask if natural hazards or calamities are considered part of external risks
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Natural hazards or calamities may be external issues that can translate into risks or opportunities. For example, a manufacturing company located near a flooding area may lose the capability to operate normally for several weeks. A hurricane can weaken a competitor and create an opportunity to expand activity. Today, I read in a newspaper that the coronavirus pandemic lockdowns worked as a boon for software game companies. It is up to each organization to determine the relevant issues from its context.
You can find more information in the following links:
- How to identify the context of the organization in ISO 9001:2015 -
- Free webinar on demand - ISO 9001:2015 clause 4 - Context of the organization, interested parties, and scope -
- Enroll for free course - ISO 9001:2015 Foundations Course -
- Book – Discover ISO 9001:2015 Through Practical Examples –
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Aug 07, 2020