Formulating questions during internal audit
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The type of the questions asked during the internal audit should be "open ended", the ones that do not require "yes/no" answer. In this way you can ask follow-up questions and determine whether the particular requirement of the standard is met. For example, instead of asking "do you ...", you should ask "how you...".
Instead of relating clauses to the departments of the company, you should try to relate them to the processes. In case of the HR department, there is process of achieving competence and raising awareness and requirements of the clause 7.1.2, 7.2 and 7.3 fall directly under HR department. In addition, you should also audit requirements of he clause 7.5 and other requirements that apply to the entire QMS.
For more information, see: Writing an Audit Ch ecklist for ISO 9001 Processes
what does it mean to conduct my internal audits to the 2015 ISO standard?
can you give me some detail or example so my brain can wrap my head around it? thanks
It means to audit your company against ISO 9001:2015 requirements to determine to what level your company is compliant with the standard.
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Jul 10, 2017