Gantt chart as a project plan for the ISO 27001 project
We're trying to build a Gantt chart as a project plan for the ISO27001 project, and we're looking to see if you have any of the steps documented beyond filling the docs themselves. e.g., folders 04, and 05 will require training users, missing controls under folder 14 will need to be built, tested, and deployed, such as enforcing BitLocker. Folder 13 seems to address some of this based on mitigating risk from the risk assessment. Still, we're hoping this is already in a project doc with the assumption we have 0% complete, and we can pull out what's unnecessary or already implemented.
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Rhand Leal
Aug 14, 2020
Since most of our customers are small businesses, they found the steps defined in the toolkit folders as enough for running a project, and in most cases doing these steps in sequence (without overlapping them) has proved to be satisfactory.
Unfortunately, we do not have a template for the Gantt chart, but here are some free materials that can help you develop such a document:
- Diagram of EU GDPR & ISO 27001 integrated implementation
- Project checklist for ISO 27001 implementation
- Project checklist for EU GDPR implementation
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Aug 14, 2020
Aug 14, 2020
Aug 14, 2020