GDPR and possible software changes
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The documents provided in the EU GDPR implantation toolkit are meant to be cross industry so, as long as EU GDPR is applicable to a certain entity the documents can be used.
Of course , depending on the industry some document might be more relevant than others, but nevertheless at least all of the documents marked as mandatory in out EU GDPR toolkit List of documents should be considered.
As you mentioned that you are a software development company I think that the “Privacy Notices” might be particular useful, and our EU GDPR implementation toolkit provides in folder 2 “Personal Data Policy Framework” a “ General Data Protection Notice ” that can be used as a template to develop “Privacy Notices” for your software products.
Another important topic would most likely be implementing the Privacy by design and Privacy by default principles as set forth in Article 25 of the EU GDPR ( .
If your software are meant, for example, to process sensitive personal data or to profile or predict the behavior of data subject then a DPIA should be also performed. A full guide on how to perform DPIAs as well as the necessary templates can be found in folder 5 “Data Protection Impact Assessment” of our EU GDPR implementation toolkit. You can also check out our webinar in DPIAs at:
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Dec 23, 2017