Handling and storing of reference accessories of Multi-product calibrator
Handling of calibrator equipment/reference materials. We have audit finding from our external auditor, is looking some procedure of handling and storing reference materials such as lubricant, electrical cables and other accessories of the multi-product calibrator.
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From your question, I assume you are asking how to include such items in your existing equipment procedure, as you may not have covered all the components and accessories. To include the accessories of your Multi-product calibrator, you can reference documented criteria as guided by the manufacturer of the components in the product manual. If not specified, simply reference best practices for a particular item, for example “roll electrical cable to avoid kinks, and secure with a suitable tie”. Remember, a record is mandatory, so create a checklist with the required acceptance criteria, listing for example “cables were coiled”, “transported in a case”, “no visible kinks or damage evident”. When using the equipment, use the checklist to acknowledge that the criteria were met and retain your record as evidence.
For an overview of ISO 17025:2017 requirements, please read the following article:
What does ISO 17025:2017 require for laboratory measurement equipment and related procedures? https://advisera.com/17025academy/blog/2019/07/25/iso-17025-measurement-requirements-of-the-standard/
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Oct 25, 2019