Identifying Opportunities in Lab
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A key requirement in a laboratory management system is to setup process to monitor and track opportunities for improvement. These opportunities can come from a number of sources – have a look at the note in ISO 17025 17025 clause 8.6. These include
Evaluation of External and internal quality control trends, i.e analysis of data. For example, introducing another control standard.Evalauting risks and noncoforming events and in cases. For example where a risk is accepted ther may still be practical changes that could be introduced that may reduce the risk, although not essesntial. Meaning simple to implement changes.Customer and personnel feedback.
Use an Opportunity Register to record your evaluation of and decision to implement improvement.
For more information regarding actions to address risks and opportunities, see the ISO 17025 toolkit document template: Addressing Risks and Opportunities Procedure
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Nov 01, 2021