In house food laboratory accreditation
We have an inhouse QC lab aiming for ISO 17025:2017 accreditation? How does impartiality, contract/test request review;reporting of result apply for inhouse qc lab in a manufacturing unit? Does the quality policy for lab need to be different than Organizational policy? Please reply.
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As an internal QC laboratory, you need to consider the needs of production, as your “client” when you review the client requests. Reporting can be simplified, as agreed. This is as long as the internal user has accurate, valid information to make a decision on.
Regarding the quality policy for an ISO 17025 laboratory, it needs to specifically address safeguarding impartiality, competency and consistent valid results.
For impartiality look at risks due to shared resources, reporting structures where QC personnel may report to the production manager and possible undue pressure on the QC lab to speed up release of results. Look at the article How to ensure impartiality in an ISO 17025 laboratory at
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Aug 12, 2022