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Interaction of processes

Guest user Created:   Apr 05, 2016 Last commented:   Apr 05, 2016

Interaction of processes

Can you help me regarding interaction of processes. We have many services including: quality control of veterinary vaccines; technology transfer; provision of trainings; Optimization of vaccine production technologies & production of essential biological reagents. How can we map out process interaction?
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Step-by-step implementation for smaller companies.


Step-by-step implementation for smaller companies.

Strahinja Stojanovic Apr 05, 2016


Interaction of processes represents basically their relations and sequence in your company, for example outputs of one process can be input to one or several other processes. How are they linked and is there any interdependence between the processes.

The processes you mentioned are the main processes in your company, but you also have some other processes such as procurement, storage, maybe even transport or delivery. There are also probably some supporting processes and outsourced processes as well. You need to create or define relationships between all these processes, by looking only at your main processes you will not have a whole picture and it will be hard to make interaction between them since some of them are very differe nt.

Here is the free material that might be helpful:
- How to create an ISO 9001 process flowchart

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Apr 05, 2016

Apr 05, 2016

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