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Internal audit checklist and report combined

Guest user Created:   Sep 14, 2023 Last commented:   Sep 14, 2023

Internal audit checklist and report combined

What will be doing is using the checklist to carry out the iso27001 Internal audit. As you know the checklist has a section that says evidence I will write where I got the evidence who I interviewed medium etc.

What I am however doing is after each section of the checklist for eg context of the organisation 

I have combined the report there for example after each major section after answering collecting the evidence I have done this.

I have basically combined the audit checklist and the report. I'll send a screenshot. Please let me know what if this fulfill requirements of audit and audit report. Programme I have already please see screenshot.

Many thanks my guess combining them is fine just double checking. 

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Step-by-step implementation for smaller companies.


Step-by-step implementation for smaller companies.

Rhand Leal Sep 14, 2023

Your approach of combining the Internal Audit Report and Internal Audit Checklist is not very common, but probably will be acceptable for the certification audit. However, we feel this will take too much time so it is probably better to use the Internal Audit Checklist and the Internal Audit Report separately. 

Whatever approach you take, make sure that you include all elements from the Internal Audit Report.For more information, see:

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Sep 14, 2023

Sep 14, 2023

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Audit report