I understand that a website does not need to have a privacy policy if it is not commercial and only for private use. I would like to verify that my website meets this criteria.
My website consists only of one page which shows two buttons. One button is linked to my LinkedIn profile, the other one to my Xing profile (german version of LinkedIn). I am employed, not self-employed, and will not use any analytics such as Google Analytics.
Does my website need a privacy profile? I prefer not to have a privacy policy on my website because I do not wish to share my address on the internet.
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Alessandra Nisticò
Sep 23, 2021
Your website is clearly for personal use, so you don’t fall under EU GDPR regulation.
Here you can find some information about GDPR applicability:
- Is the GDPR applicable to our company? https://advisera.com/eugdpracademy/knowledgebase/who-needs-to-be-gdpr-compliant-an-easy-explanation/
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