ISO 14001 clauses and corresponding documents
I am struggling a bit to marry the ISO14001 clauses to the various documentation. I also need to know how to create folders on my PC
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I recommend you to learn the requirements of each clause so you will be able to understand what are the documents and records necessary to comply with the standard. Be aware that here are two terms used in ISO 14001 that define the mandatory documents that an organization needs to comply with, the documented information that needs to be retained, which corresponds to mandatory records, and the documented information that needs to be mainated, which corresponds to mandatory documents (e.g. environmental policy and objectives).
Here you can find a white paper that explains each clause of ISO 14001:2015 - Clause by clause explanation of ISO 14001:2015:
In this article you can find the list of mandatory documents and those most commonly used in ISO 14001:2015 - List of mandatory documents required by ISO 14001:2015:
The following material will provide you more information about documentation:
- How to structure ISO 14001 documentation:
- Free online training ISO 9001:2015 Foundations Course -
- Book - Managing ISO Documentation: A Plain English Guide -
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Apr 15, 2020