ISO 9001 Continuous Improvement Process
How can I best represent all interfaces of the Continuous Improvement Process graphically for all employees?
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Carlos Pereira da Cruz
Jan 27, 2021
I can give you my experience. I answer your question in three layers:
- The performance layer. The three most common errors in presenting performance data are: using tables instead of graphics, showing just the last result, and presenting no performance benchmark or target. So, I leave the tables with numbers for annexes, and I use graphics. Not graphics simulating car dashboards, but what is called sparklines or micro charts, where you can see the trend and compare with the target. One last warning. You have to present all the graphics in one page or in one screen. The first commandment of a good dashboard is to present all indicators in a way that you can see them all at the same time. This picture presents an example and also includes another kind of graphic, the bullet chart useful to compare current performance with target or benchmark. You can find this picture in our free webinar on-demand - Measurement, analysis, and improvement according to ISO 9001:2015 -
- The context layer. Add to the previous layer a picture of the model of how the organization works, based on the process approach, and coloring each process with the semaphore colors (Since 10% of men and 1% of women have color identification issues, the semaphore colors may be shades of a color. For example, if OK no color, if with concerns rose if bad red). You can find this picture in our free webinar on-demand - The Process Approach - What it is, why it is important, and how to do it - - the advantage of this approach helps people realize how they can influence or contribute to performance because they can situate themselves in the processes and their interaction. Everybody is an internal supplier and customer.
- The strategic layer. Even better than the previous one is to present the same technique but over a strategy map of the organization
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Jan 27, 2021
Jan 27, 2021
Jan 27, 2021