I understand "the organization shall consider the products and services" when developing the Scope (4.3) but is it a requirement that all customer facing products and services have to be included in the scope? Thus that product/service would not be included in the Certification.
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No, it is not a requirement that all customer-facing products and services have to be included in the scope.
It may be useful for an organization to exclude products and services from the management system. For example, different requirements from customers, or different requirements from regulation. It’s not a technical decision, it is a management decision.
For more information about the scope consider the following:
- What clauses can be excluded in ISO 9001:2015? - https://advisera.com/9001academy/blog/2015/07/07/what-clauses-can-be-excluded-in-iso-90012015/
- Free webinar on demand - ISO 9001:2015 clause 4 - Context of the organization, interested parties, and scope - https://advisera.com/9001academy/webinar/iso-90012015-clause-4-context-of-the-organization-interested-parties-and-scope-free-webinar/
- Enroll for free course - ISO 9001:2015 Foundations Course - https://advisera.com/training/iso-9001-foundations-course/
- Book - Discover ISO 9001:2015 Through Practical Examples - https://advisera.com/books/discover-iso-9001-2015-through-practical-examples/
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Jan 10, 2023