Please can you help. I would like to know how can I address clause 8.9.2i, personnel feedback in particular.
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The intention is that management make sure they are involving personnel and engaging with them regarding all aspects of the management system. This feedback is to be encouraged in the context of ISO 17025 accreditation and to assist the Laboratory and personnel to evaluate the effectiveness of the system, meet objectives and drive improvement, for their benefit. The type of feedback, or rather input, you would typically look for will relate to any risks / challenges, opportunities and suggestions for improvement. Include topics such as new objectives, risks to impartiality, training needs, suggestions or requirements for allocation of existing resources or need for new resources. I suggest you engage and chat with personnel over a period of time before management review; and gather feedback via discussion and / or or perhaps via email.
Have a look at the preview of the ISO 17025 document template: Management Review Procedure at
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Dec 17, 2020