Mandatory and non-mandatory documents
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In ISO world, mandatory requirements/documents are related to the words “must” or “shall”, while non mandatory requirements/documents are related to words “may”or “should”. Considering section 7.2 Competence, all requirements are mandatory (from a to d), and the single one requiring documentation is the retention of evidence of competence (item 7.2 d). Examples of evidence are certificates, university degrees, work declarations and attendance lists, which have their own formats, making unfeasible to define a single template for them. This means you have to conduct all the activities mentioned in a to c, but you do not have to document them (this is why there is no policy in our toolkit for that purpose) - what you need to have are records related to 7.2 d) mentioned above.
These a rticles can be helpful for you:
- Explanation of the basic terminology in ISO standards
- Records management in ISO 27001 and ISO 22301
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Dec 05, 2018