NIST, COSO and ISO 27001
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Answer: In fact these frameworks are not competitors, but they complement each other. COSO gives you a corporate view for risk management, and NIST SP 800 series provides security practices for IT environments. As for ISO 27001, it provides you a framework for managing information security, considering not only IT environments, but also physical and human aspects, as well as business objectives.
That said, while ISO 27001 is more prepared to manage information security than NIST standards and COSO, it can benefit form the other two frameworks for complementing its approach regarding IT controls and understanding of risk in business context.
These articles will provide you further explanation about these frameworks:
- How to integrate COSO, COBIT, and ISO 27001 frameworks
- How to use the NIST SP800 series of standards for ISO 27001 implementation h ttps://
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Jun 07, 2017