OHSAS18001 was the designation for the previous standard from BSI for creating an OHSMS, or Occupational Health & Safety Management System, which is the collection of all the rules, policies, procedures and processes you put in place to manage OH&S performance in your organization. ISO 45001 is the new OHSMS standard which is released by the International Organization for Standardization, making it a more internationally accepted and applicable document.
Both OHSAS 18001 and ISO 45001 are documents that provide requirements on how to create an OHSMS, with OHSAS 18001 becoming obsolete in the near future as ISO 45001 becomes the new international standard. Organizations have a certain time to transition before the OHSAS 1`8001 standard is made obsolete and certification to this older standard is stopped.
You can learn more on the changes from OHSAS 18001 to ISO 45001 in the recorded webinar: ISO 45001 vs OHSAS 18001 the main changes, https://advisera.com/45001academy/webinar/iso-45001-2017-vs-ohsas-18001-2007-the-main-changes-on-demand/
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Jan 28, 2021