Prepare a re-certification audit
How to prepare for this audit? First audit after a full three-year certification cycle.
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After the initial two-stage certification audit, organizations have surveillance audits. Surveillance audits have a smaller scope and are more focused on record checking to confirm that the implementation is working.
Normally, a re-certification audit, the first audit after a full three-year certification cycle, means changing the audit team completely. So, a new audit team will look with new pairs of eyes into your management system. The audit scope will again include all parts of the QMS.
For organizations there is no need to prepare the recertification differently than for the surveillance audits. Be sure documents are updated, processes are implemented, and records generated and stored.
The following material will provide you more information about certification versus surveillance audits:
- Surveillance visits vs. certification audits –
- Enroll for free course – ISO 9001:2015 Lead Auditor Course –
- Book – Discover ISO 9001:2015 Through Practical Examples –
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Sep 13, 2019