Privacy Policy Template
So I have a request – would you have a privacy policy template from iso27002 I believe a6.1.2 I can purchase?
We recently upgraded with you the ISO27001 workbook templates and I’m going through a client audit and they are asking for a specific privacy policy and so far what I have provided from either the older 2013 ISO27001 and the GDPR is not passing with them
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Since your customer did not accept your proposed versions based on 2013 ISO 27001 and the GDPR, and ISO 27001:2022 does not have significant updates on this topic, I suggest you take a look at this template:
- Policy for Data Privacy in the Cloud
This document is based on guidelines from ISO 27018, a supporting standard to ISO 27001 which covers the protection of privacy in cloud environments.
For further information, see:
- ISO 27018 – Standard for protecting privacy in the cloud
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May 25, 2023