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Procedure for document and record control

Guest user Created:   Nov 30, 2022 Last commented:   Nov 30, 2022

Procedure for document and record control

We are actually working on the document ’PROCEDURE FOR DOCUMENT AND RECORD CONTROL’

For ***, I am guessing whether it can be Conformio Platform or not.

Each external document that is necessary for the planning and operation of the ISMS must be recorded in the *** or in the *** according to their form. The *** and the *** must contain the following information: sender, document name, and date of receipt.

The person who receives such external documents in paper or other physical forms (e.g., through regular mail or as courier parcels) must make a record in the ***. The person who receives external documents in electronic form (e.g., through email) must record them in the ***.

Question : I would like to know if we can use Conformio instead of CRM ( which makes no sense in the case)

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Step-by-step implementation for smaller companies.


Step-by-step implementation for smaller companies.

Rhand Leal Nov 30, 2022

Please note that in the text you presented, the fields represent the way you use to record external documents used by the organization, considering physical and electronic forms (details about how to fill in the document can be found in its document wizard).

For example, for physical media, you can use a register of external correspondence, and for electronic documents, you can use Customer Relationship Management software.

In case you have a small number of external documents to manage, you can use Conformio to make such control.

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Nov 30, 2022

Nov 30, 2022