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Project Plan

jckeller88 Created:   Apr 01, 2016 Last commented:   Apr 02, 2016

Project Plan

I'm beginning 01_Project_Plan and wanted to clarify if this is just to aid in the QMS implementation process but is not meant to become part of the QMS? Am I thinking correctly?
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List of arrangements for the creation of the product or service.

jckeller88 Apr 02, 2016

We are already certified under the 2008 version so is this still necessary?

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Strahinja Stojanovic Apr 02, 2016

You are correct, the Project Plan is only meant for implementation and it is not a part of the QMS.

The Project Plan is just the approach for implementation or transition of ISO 9001, it is not mandatory so if you don't want to use it you don't have to.

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jckeller88 Apr 06, 2016

Just an FYI on the sequence of documentation. In the How to start using the toolkit info it states that the sequencing is 00 Project Plan, 01 Quality Policy but then in the toolkit that I received 00 is Procedure for Document and Record Control, 01 is Project Plan and 02 is Quality Policy so I was a bit confused. I do agree that 00 Project Plan should be first and so on but I didn't realize the discrepancy until I had already completed 00 Procedure for Document and Record Control and then moved to 01 project plan and realized things were out of logical order.

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Strahinja Stojanovic Apr 07, 2016

That is probably a mistake because the project plan was in the folder 00 in previous version of the toolkit so we probably delivered you previous version of "How to start using the toolkit info". Thank you for the feedback

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Apr 01, 2016

Apr 07, 2016

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