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QMS and EFQM model

Guest user Created:   Nov 18, 2019 Last commented:   Nov 18, 2019

QMS and EFQM model

I already bought the documents for ISO 9001 from adviser and I have questions:
  1. What are the similarities, differences an QMS and EFQM model?
  2. Can we integrate between them ( QMS with EFQM )?
  3. What is documents and records that required in EFQM that not can be found in QMS documents?
  4. What is the advantage and disadvantage for QMS and EFQM integration ?
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Everything you need to know about ISO 9001.


Everything you need to know about ISO 9001.

Iciar Gallo Nov 18, 2019

You can find below my answers to your questions:

1. These are the similarities between an QMS and EFQM model:

- In ISO 9001:2015 we find interested parties while in the EFQM model we have the the similar concept of  stakeholders

- Context of the organization

- Strategic direction

- Risk based thinking

- Performanca evaluation

- Organizational knowledge management


These are the differences:

In the case of EFQM these are requirements not covered by ISO 9001:

- is focused in results of planning, measurement and achievement

- mentions financial performance, which is not covered in ISO 9001

- there is a clear relationship between cause and effect

- includes a detailed assessment and scoring while in ISO 9001 there are auditing requirements, that could be more subjective


In the case of ISO 9001 these are requirements not covered by EFQM model:

-  Internal audit

- Control of documented information 

- Quality improvement covered by: correction and corrective actions, continual improvement, etc.

- Operation requirements, such as operational planning and control, product and service requirements, design and development, control of providers, product and service provision, etc. 


Both the ISO 9001 standard and the EFQM Model rely on this philosophy to develop its operation. However, while ISO 9001 focuses on defining minimum requirements that organizations using this standard must meet, the EFQM Excellence Model aims to achieve perfection, without defining minimum requirements and seeking guide organizations about what aspects are good at and what aspects they can be improved.


2. You can integrate them, however you need to think if that is really worth for your organization, since both seek quality of products and services. 


3. You don´t have to comply with mandatory documentation in the EFQM model as you need to do with ISO 9001:2015. In the EFQM model you need to comply with a Self-Assessment against 9 criteria and your Action Plan. 

Here you can find a list with the mandatory documents and records in ISO 9001:2015 - List of mandatory documents required by ISO 9001:2015:


4. If you integrate will require some extra effort while if you decide just to go for one model you can focus your quality of products and services in just one direction. See which one benefits your organization most and go for it. EFQM is mostly used for European organizations while ISO 9001:2015 is globally recognized.

For more information about the benefits of ISO 9001:2015, see this article - Six key benefits of ISO 9001 implementation


These materials can help you to understand better ISO 9001:2015 and EFQM model:

- free online training ISO 9001:2015 Foundations Course –
- book – Discover ISO 9001:2015 Through Practical Examples –

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Nov 18, 2019

Nov 18, 2019