Question about requirements
We have extended our MDD and I have done a gap analysis according to CAMD Transition Sub Group
Specifically Section III.
But I'm now wondering are there other requirements that I'm missing?
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No, everything is covered there. So for the periodic audits after 26th May 2021, you need to have in place the following elements for the MDR (point 17.-4 in the document that you referred to):
a) Registration of economic operators and of devices (see Art. 31 MDR and Art. 29 MDR)
b) Post market surveillance (PMS) (see Art. 83-86, 92 MDR including Annex III but without the PMS having to be an integral part of the QMS)
c) Market surveillance (see Art. 93 – 100 MDR, but device standards to be met = Directives)
d) Vigilance (see Art- 87-92 MDR)
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May 26, 2021