Requirement of mentioning details of outsourced process in Clause 4.1.5 of ISO 13485
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In requirement 4.1.5 is stated that the control of the outsourced process should be written in the quality agreement. We in our ISO 13485 Documentation toolkit have a template for Quality agreement for critical suppliers. How template looks and which elements it has as you can find on the following link:
- Quality Agreement for Critical Supplier -
Another part of this topic is how you will define in your Purchasing process control over companies that provide you outsourced processes. According to the requirement 7.4.1 Purchasing process, an organization must plan monitoring and evaluation of suppliers. Usually, manufacturers that have outsourced processes plan an audit in those companies in a frequency that they find justified. These audits are performed by the same rules as their internal audits.
You can find more information on how to control outsourced processes in the following article:
- How to control outsourced processes using ISO 9001 -
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Jun 18, 2020