Risk Management
Hi Dejan
Kindly assist.
I Am consulting on ISO 22301 for a company.
I want to buy your Risk Management tool kit comprising of the following:
1. Risk Assessment & Risk Treatment Methodology = $39.0
2. Risk Assessment Table = $24.90
3. Risk Treatment = $14.90
4. Risk Assessment & Treatment Report = $14.90
5. Statement of Applicability = $39.90
At the point of adding 2 to 5 on the payment menu, the reference was to ISO 27001. (please see attached)
Does it mean there is no difference between Risk Assessment in ISO 22301 and Risk Assessment in ISO 27001? Can I use the tools for ISO 22301 even though they are tagged for ISO 27001
Kindly guide me on this before I make the purchase.
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First of all, sorry for this confusion.
The Risk Management tool kit can be used for both ISO 27001 and ISO 22301. In all templates, you can find comments instructing you, when applicable, on which changes should be made to the document in case you are applying it to ISO 22301.
For further information, see:
- ISO 27001 risk management for business continuity: https://advisera.com/27001academy/iso-27001-risk-assessment-treatment-management/
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Nov 18, 2022