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RPO, RTO, BC strategies, testing and exercising

Guest user Created:   Jun 23, 2021 Last commented:   Jun 23, 2021

RPO, RTO, BC strategies, testing and exercising

Can you explain more on RPO, RTO, BC strategies, Testing, and exercising?
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Step-by-step implementation for smaller companies.


Step-by-step implementation for smaller companies.

Rhand Leal Jun 23, 2021

RTO (Recovery Time Objective) is defined based on how fast you want to resume your operations after a disruption, while RPO (Recovery Point Objective) is defined based on how much data you can afford to lose due to a disruption.

For example, if an application has an RTO of 1 day and an RPO of 4 hours, it means that this application can be recovered (resume normal operation) in one day, but the information from the last 4 hours before the interruption occurred will be lost.

Business Continuity strategies refer to high-level actions to be developed to achieve defined continuity objectives.

For example, to ensure the objective of recovering operations in a defined timeframe, the strategy adopted may be the use of an alternative site. Another example is a backup strategy (which could be incremental, differential, etc.).

Testing and exercising are activities performed to find what doesn’t work in your business continuity in a controlled situation. In other words, when you lack real incidents, you create simulated ones to be able to improve your plans.

These articles will provide you a further explanation about these concepts:

This material will also help you regarding business continuity:

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Jun 23, 2021

Jun 23, 2021