Sample data for MSP
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Please note that is our policy does not offer such sample artifacts.
This is so because even organizations of the same industry and using the same IaaS provider have unique objectives and risk appetites, so the use of such sample artifacts can mislead organizations into adopting a security profile that does not fit their needs.
These genetic papers can provide you an idea about a filled in risk register:
- Checklist of cyber threats & safeguards when working from home (PDF)
- Diagram of ISO 27001:2013 Risk Assessment and Treatment process (PDF)
Please note that you can schedule a call with our ISO 27001 expert, where he can give some tips on how to adapt Risk register, Statement of Applicability and your documents to your specific circumstances.
Additionally, since Conformio can automatically suggests threats, vulnerabilities, and applicable documents based on the specific assets you enter, you can use the examples provided in the abovementioned papers to see how the process goes through the platform.
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Sep 15, 2021