Should Physical Cable prototypes be considered as information asset
Hi Dejan,
Our company is Wire Harness manufacturer for Automotive Industry and we are conducting ISO 27001 Certification project ; While building the Asset Register, we did meet some issues:
We have identified Prototype Designs of wire harness (electronic and paper designs information) as confidential information in the asset inventory .However I would like to know if Physical Cable prototypes should be considered as information asset or not.
Thank you for your support.
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The prototypes can be considered as an asset if the confidentiality, integrity or availability of related information can be endangered - so for instance, if someone steals that prototype and by doing this some confidential information is leaked, then you should definitely consider this prototype as an asset.
Just to avoid any misunderstanding, you shouldn't use the term "information asset", just "asset".
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Jan 12, 2016
Jan 12, 2016
Jan 12, 2016